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The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi (CBSE) for all India Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination. The medium of instruction is English but Regional & National Language i.e. Punjabi and Hindi are taught as compulsory subjects. Though first priority is given to high proficiency in students, not least important is the development of Physical fitness, qualities of creativeness and aesthetic appreciation.
-Admission is open to boys and girls irrespective of caste, creed, religion or Social Status provided they are mentally and physically fit.
- Eligibility for admission to Nursery class is 2 years & 6 months and for Lower Kinder Garten (L.K.G.) is 3 years and 6 months.
- Great emphasis is laid on child's total need of re-creational, social and educational activities through Play Way method.
- Admission of children to classes higher than LKG will be subject to availability of Vacancy.